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AI Smart Data

Locating Misfiled Student Records Using AI OCR - 86,200% faster than trying to locate the file manually.

The video highlights the power of AI OCR and how when combined with an automated file indexing system, how quickly misplaced files can be retrieved.

We deliberately misfiled a scanned student record amongst 200 other Student Records containing 57,000 sheets of digitised paper. The file that we misfiled had been enhanced using AI OCR so that it could be searched by both typed and handwritten text reference points. The AI OCR module improves the accuracy for both poor quality typed text as well as handwriting.

As you can see in the video, the file took approximately less than a second to retrieve using our DTSearch engine. We then asked one of our team members to thumb through each folder manually opening each folder within windows to locate the missing student record. The same exercise took 14 mins 23 seconds. That is an increase in retrieval time of 86,200%! Multiple that by the number of files misplaced within an average sized organisation annually and the potential cost savings are extraordinary.


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